PAS128 Compliant Utility Surveys

What is a PAS128 Survey?


PAS128 is a British Standards Institution (BSI) document specifying requirements for the detection, verification and location of existing and new underground utilities. Sponsored by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in conjunction with the BSI. PAS128 survey provides a transparent and robust methodology for delivering utility surveys in the UK. Defined by four Survey Category Types ranging from D to A, representing increasing amounts of accuracy. You can specify the desired level of accuracy when requesting a PAS128 survey.

Macleod Simmonds performs Utility Surveys to the highest level of accuracy as defined by PAS128:2014. By providing the best possible survey results, we help you to make timely, informed decisions, designing out potential issues before they become problems. Our interpretation of the M4p level survey exceeds the specification in many aspects, whilst remaining competitively priced.

Benefits of PAS128

Our PAS128 surveys help you to precisely specify the type of survey you need, whilst understanding the methods and techniques that will be deployed at each accuracy level. This increases confidence within your project team that they are using accurate information before breaking ground.

Specifying a PAS128 survey means that the data must be gathered strictly according to the BSI survey methodology. This ensures that all data are of a reliable quality.

Why choose Macleod Simmonds?

We are at the forefront of the subsurface surveying industry. Our Managing Director was a ‘Steering Group’ member for the BSI during the creation of the PAS128:2014 specification.

With being accredited by The Survey Association for our passion in utilising the latest technology, combined with the deployment of our own proprietary software. We have a reputation in the industry for providing our clients with high quality, accurate and reliable measurement data. Get a quote now or take a look at our services to find out more.

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